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Enrolment in the Confidence Warrior Membership Community is now CLOSED!

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Do you let low self-esteem rule your life? I know I used to, but overcame these feelings.

I went from being a shrinking violet to loving myself so fiercely that nothing can stop me! I want that for you too. Remember: You are enough, you always were and you always will be.

Lacking confidence in your brain and body is life changing.


The diet industry made $64 billion dollars last year. 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting. 81% of 10 years olds are more afraid of being fat than they are of losing BOTH parents! We are bombarded day in, day out with images and messages telling us that we are not enough and as a result we internalize those messages and believe we are not enough. Our confidence is shaken and the way we move through the world is changed.



The Club

The Confidence Warrior Club is the antidote to our toxic culture and a safe haven for fierce fat babes who want to start their confidence journey, ramp up their burgeoning confidence or be surrounded by a kickass community.

This is your tribe if:

  • You’re fat and fabulous (or a fat ally)

  • You’d like to learn how to be more yourself, and do it with style and sass

  • You’re sick of colleagues talking about their latest diet

  • Seeing one more thin white cis photoshopped woman in/on magazines/TV shows/movies/getting the job you want /being heralded as the epitome of beauty and health makes you want to revolt

  • You want to be armed with the tactics to be able to navigate the world confidently and with resilience


What you’ll get:

The Confidence Warrior Club is a monthly membership site and community. Being a member has numerous benefits, but only you know what the true benefits you will see in your life by answering this question:


“If I felt confident and had no fear I would…”

What are you not doing now because your inner critic is telling you you can’t?

What could you do if you truly believed in yourself?


The possibilities truly are endless.

Inside the club you will receive numerous resources, eCourses, books, podcasts, worksheets, masterclasses from experts. You will also get:

  • You learn how to build true resilience in the face of a society that convinces you that you’re not enough

  • Confidence in ALL areas of your life, not just body confidence

  • Areas covered: body love, careers, relationships, movement, social network, mental wellness, environment and FUN!

  • Guest experts

  • One on one support in the private, super-secret Facebook community

  • Essential resources and guides

  • Wallpapers and downloads carry your Confidence Warrior status with you everywhere

  • Secret surprises and gifts!


What people are saying about the Confidence Warrior Club:

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"I've listened to a lot of podcasts, read an unbelievable amount of books, and no matter how much I tried on my own I wasn't successful. The content of this course alone is a game changer. I used to think that nothing would help me. This did. Victoria has an energy about her that even just watching or listening to the lessons you feel like you're getting the support of your very best friend. As if that weren't enough you get the most amazing group support. It's such a safe space. My life was missing community and friendships. I've joined several groups, but never felt connected. You will in this group. You will absolutely love it! You need this in your life. It's a necessity." - Molly G.


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"It's totally worth it! Full of great information and help for confidence and body love and acceptance, with a great community!! Victoria is amazing at what she does and helps us realize the badasses that we are to take on the world! Very life changing!!" - Mandy A.

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"Life changing ideas and great tips and a super fun and supportive community. Just wanted to say how much the A-Z Fastshion List and Dream Job sections helped me. Fabulous!!!" - Kate D.


"Get ready to do a lot of introspection, awesome resources, and a whole lot of laughing (Victoria, you're fucking hilarious. I love it). " - Lori S."


"The great thing about the Confidence Warrior Club is the varied subjects and course materials, which bring confidence to all facets of your life (dating, career, etc).  Adding to that the course is a good pace and you don’t get too overwhelmed with information.  I can honestly say it feels like you have a friend in Victoria, someone who will back you up and definitely pump you up.  I am truly looking forward to continuing my own journey to confidence and self acceptance with this course and would recommend it to anyone looking to move forward in their own journey." - Vicki C.

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"Your approach is quite awesome and you break down the barriers quickly. Everyone should catch Victoria’s straight forward positive and non judgmental attitude! We can be so critical of ourselves, and I believe that Victoria’s message will help us see how to erase that from our daily routine." - Susan M.

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"Go for it -- it's so worth it!" - Bayley G.



I asked club members: What would you tell a friend who is thinking of joining the Confidence Warrior Club?

  • "I would tell them it is a great way to reinvigorate how you believe in yourself and to finally let go of the guilt!" - Gretchen A.

  • "Absolutely do it!" - Sarah L.

  • "Go for it. It's a great experience full of wonderful resources. You'd be surprised how amazing you feel after watching some of these videos." - Victoria R.

  • "It's vital , and well worth it . So many woman need to see their worth in their bodies they have now". - Jordan G.

  • "Do it! You will gain some insight and tips into developing your own personal brand of confidence!" - Lacey P.

  • "The CW club is a great way to feel supported and connected with like minded souls." - Morgan P.

  • "Go for it! [Victoria], I love your approach, so open and honest, and I love how you present the content in a way that is fun but still acknowledges that this can be a tough road to travel." - Diane L.

  • "Join!! I've thoroughly enjoyed being part of it. I can't stress the importance of (a good) community when making changes! [Victoria] you're amazing and I'm so in awe of you! 💛". - Siobhan I.

  • "That this is a great way to get some less formal support with confidence. It's like having a little bit of secret support in your daily life without having to go find it or fit it into your schedule in some structured way. " Danna H.

  • "The Confidence Warrior Club has been an amazing opportunity to learn about myself and gain self confidence. The course allows you to move at your own pace while simultaneously motivating you to take action, boosting your self esteem along the way. Victoria put together an inspiring program that will be the most important gift you get this year. [Victoria] Thank you for offering such an amazing product." - Victoria R.