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Would you like your team to participate in some fun learning and development on a variety of topics? Contact me for prices and packages.

Services offered:

  • Lunch and learns
  • Workshops
  • Keynote Speaking
  • Panel Member Discussions


Topics covered:

  • Using Confidence and Body Positivity to Generate Success
  • Goal Setting and Goal Crushing
  • Personal Confidence
  • Stepping into Your Exceptional Self
  • Your Inner Critic is a Jerk, How to Quieten the Voice That Tells You, You're Not Enough
  • Using Life Trauma as a Catalyst for Success
  • From Homeless at 17 to Corporate Success
  • Passion + Perseverance = Grit. Grit = Success
  • Media Literacy and Diet Culture
  • Feminism and Sexism in the Workplace
  • I am also able to collaborate with you on your learning goals and come up with a topic perfect for you!
We recently found Victoria’s program through an online Google search. We completed Victoria’s goal setting workshop as part of our training for our nine Community Relations Team. Victoria presented on why goals are important and how we can harness and use goals to realize our future and become successful and satisfied people.

Not only was the goal planning workshop helpful for personal planning and goal setting, but it helped the team understand more about who they are as individuals and to solidify bonds. Now, a month later, our goal plans are finalized and we continue to talk about and help support each other in achieving them. It isn’t always easy, but using Victoria’s techniques have helped keep us stay on track to achieve our dreams.

The team really valued the guided meditation exercise which helped them visualize their future as the fully realized people they wish to be. It helped bring their goals into focus, and determine what they feel is actually of key importance to their own happiness. They also appreciated the exercises that helped them move outside of their comfort zone, and their own predetermined boxes of what goals were acceptable and what were not. Victoria had them write out goals free form for one minute and then had them move beyond their preconceived goal ideas to fun, exciting and scary goals that they thought they would not have been able to achieve.
I would highly recommend Victoria’s workshop. She is dynamic, engaging, and guides you to identify goals that will help you succeed. In a group setting, this is a great team bonding experience as well.
— Vanessa Bannon, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority



Working with Victoria is like hanging out with an awesome friend who gives you perfect advice about life, your career, and the best British boybands of the 90s. I attended one of her goal-setting courses earlier this year, and came away feeling inspired by her insights, advice, and no-nonsense approach to goal-setting (it also involved glitter AND spreadsheets, which is going to be the name of the album that we release together). After the course, Victoria followed up with me to ensure that I was staying on track, and gave me feedback on how to advance my goals further. I would highly, highly recommend her.
— Rachel, Workshop Attendee
I was a participant in one of Victoria’s session for setting goals! Something I have challenges with as we all do from time to time! The session was wonderful! High energy and very relevant for me! It did the trick! Motivated me to set some goals and look at my challenges from a different perspective. I wish this “recommend” could be a “highly recommend” for everyone to get focused, get to work and get moving in the right direction! Thanks again Victoria for hitting a home run on this program!!
— Mike, Manager, Workshop Attendee
I was introduced to Victoria while I was working at Coast Mental Health. We asked Victoria to be a guest speaker for our Job Options class at Coast and she graciously accepted. She provided the class with valuable career advice as well as resume and interview do’s and don’ts. She also shared her personal story with our participants. It was truly inspirational.

Victoria brings a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, professionalism, humour and heart to everything she does. We were thrilled to have her come to visit our office twice.

Most recently, Victoria volunteered as a Guest Speaker/ Mock Interviewer for our Youth Skills at Work program with the YMCA. She openly shared interview strategies and advice with our youth who had an outstanding experience and learned so much valuable information. Most HR professionals are not as willing to share their time, expertise and advice with the community.

I would strongly recommend Victoria as she is an outstanding person as well as an excellent HR Professional.
— Shelley, Facilitator, Coast Mental Health
Victoria presented workshops for us on resumes, job applications, and networking. Victoria’s expertise and personable attitude make her fantastic to work with, and she was able to make each workshop fun, thoughtful, and informative. I would love to work with Victoria again in the future!
— Katia, Facilitator, Qmunity
Victoria, I wanted to say that I found your session to be inspirational, necessary and fun. Your enthusiasm is contagious (in a wonderful way) and your goal-discovery techniques were simple yet effective. In making a career, it’s easy to wander off the ‘passion pathway,’ so this was a great opportunity to devote some ‘me time’ to rediscover my drivers and end goals. I’m looking forward to meeting my 20-years-older self! You rock!
— Wendy, VP, Workshop Attendee