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Are you ready to be inspired? Heck yeah you are!


Book me for your next event or meeting where I can host:

·      Interactive Workshops

·      Webinars and Online Training

·      Corporate Training

·      Keynote Speaking


My speaking topics include confidence building, inner critic wrangling, body love badassery and inclusivity. Check out the talks below for an idea of the juicy topics I have spoken about previously.

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1.  Fatphobia in the workplace

Are you missing out on an incredible source of untapped talent in your organisation because of undiscovered internal bias? Fat people are paid less, not hired as often and overlooked for leadership positions. More than 50% of employees are living in larger bodies, creating a weight neutral workplace can be motivational and productive. Equality is a hot topic, alongside employee retention; learn if you have created a welcoming environment for folks of all sizes and if your recruitment practices are unbiased.


2. Shame and sales; a lack of confidence could be affecting your bottom line

Top sales people regularly go out of their comfort zone, practice their confidence muscles and are resilient to getting a “no”. In this confidence building workshop for your team, understand how shame is a powerful motivator to keep your sales force from selling, leaving employees unmotivated and unproductive. Learn and how mental blocks, confidence worries and self sabotage can thwart success, and overcome these barriers once and for all.


3. Does your inner critic rule your life? Take control of your confidence today

Self-doubt can rule our lives, stop us from doing the things we really want to do and living in a way that is truly authentic. Good news is that you can unleash your inner Confidence Warrior with some straight forward techniques that you’ll learn in this talk!


4.     How we are taught to hate our bodies and how you can break free from body shame

We are all bombarded with thousands of photoshopped images, unrealistic beauty ideals and unhealthy concepts of what we should look like; and the truth is that we cannot measure up. Learn tools to break free from body shame and love the bangin’ bod you already have!


5.     Your Inner Critic is a Jerk: How to quieten self-doubt and unleash your inner badass

We all have an inner critic who whispers destructive comments to us day in, day out. Truth is, most, if not all of the things our inner critic tells us simply isn’t true. After this talk you will be able to walk away with tactics to quieten your inner critics lies and unleash your inner badass.


6. inclusivity is the bomb dot com

Is sexism in the workplace dead? Unfortunately no. Although we are no longer in the 1950's with eye rolling displays of Don Draper-esque interactions, inclusivity is still an incredibly important topic. Businesses who have clear plans and strategies around supporting women make more money, have a highly engaged workforce and foster innovation. In this talk, participants learn about how sexism manifests in today's workforce, why they should care and how to take action to change the status quo.


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Have a talk or workshop that needs a speaker? Want me to come and speak at your university? Then I just may be your gal!

Let's have a conversation about your needs and I can tell you if it sounds like a fit. I can tailor any workshop, keynote or training session to fit your needs and audience desires. Just complete the form below and I will get back to you in a whippity tick!

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