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Wanna know if I'm a weirdo and if you should work with me? Yes, I am a weirdo, and yes you should work with me. But don't just take my word for it, check out what these fabulous people are saying about me.

Kate - bam pow life client


Just wanted to share with you that meeting you and working through your program was a highlight of 2017 for me.

For the first time in my life I seriously considered the question of “what if I am perfect as I am right now?” “What if losing weight is not going to solve life’s problems and instead if I just have fun with clothes and food and friends won’t that feel better?”. 

I find myself often reflecting on that bad ass body confidence question now as an automatic response whenever I start to get into self hate mode. Neat! 

I now have a wardrobe I love, I exercise because I realize I like to move and I am more kind with myself when eating to sooth emotions. Still quite a journey but I have you to thank for believing in me , sending cool pop up kitty cards of encourage and most importantly offering a new perspective that rocks!! 

Happy 2018!

Kennedy - BAM POW LIFE client

Firstly, Victoria is an absolute blessing to humanity. Secondly, I did 75% of the course and stopped due to my wedding taking over my life. I just finished the last 25% and laughed because I have been personally working on the last 3 lessons for the past couple of months and I hadn't even watched the videos. She is that good.

The Extreme Confidence Makeover made me feel that with Victoria's guidance, I was in a safe place and ultimately unstoppable. After doing the worksheets and truly focusing on what it is that makes me afraid to move forward, it made me feel empowered to bust through the walls and do things that I would have never imagined before. For example, I did contact one of the women that has inspired me for quite some time and now I have been given this amazing opportunity to work with her on topics that I am passionate about. It is an outlet to helping make women feel as fantastic as I do now.

Being apart of Victoria's brain child has truly changed my view on the world and my view of myself. I am a rock star, a bodacious beauty and an important bad ass woman. I am moving my life forward for the better - I feel as if nothing can get me down. 

jimena - Bam pow life client

I found Victoria in the most serendipitous way, she is an extraordinary human being and a fabulous woman.

Victoria instantly makes you feel like you are part of something fabulous, she is kind, honest and warm hearted, her vibrant energy and happiness is contagious.

I would recommend every single woman to approach her, we can all learn and empower each other so much through her programs, blog and groups.

I admire her because she is real and is fearless about showing her real self, she is open and loving, that is the kind of woman you want to be near to.

Victoria I really wholeheartedly appreciate your work beyond words, my heart is full of gratitude because I found you.

Thank you for being a light to the world.

sarah - student

I also just wanted to give you a shoutout and say thank-you! Personally, I chose business through a process of elimination because I wasn't sure what I wanted to study and have questioned my choice countless times ever since. It was difficult to reconcile some of my core values with the values that I've perceived to be important in the "business world." But seeing your authenticity and hearing your stories have led me to become more comfortable with who I am as a person and how I'm choosing to fit in the business-world-puzzle. You have taught me the importance of embracing my values and my uniqueness rather than conforming to a culture and for that, I'll be forever grateful to have been your student. 


I know profs don't always get to know the impact that they've made given the size of lectures, and I just wanted to reach out and thank you for everything you've done. It was a pleasure to be in your course this year. 

TIFFANY, owner - yoga, meditation and reiki PRACTITIONER

The first time I met Victoria Welsby was about 7 years ago.


I left our first encounter feeling extremely inspired by her energy, drive and most of all, her confidence. 


As someone who has struggled with body image issues for most of my life, I saw Victoria as a pioneer, breaking ground in the newly found concept of 'body confidence' . 


Now, years later, she and I both run businesses that aim to support women and encourage their perfect individuality. 


As the founder of BAM POW LIFE, Victoria is the true definition of body love. Her raw, humorous and real way of talking about body image issues brings to light the fact that any size and shape can be healthy.


She disconnects the idea of "skinny is healthy" and reconnects people with themselves and all of the parts that make them their own super hero.


Victoria has spoken at many seminars and lectured students on the importance of her message: all bodies are beautiful, and there isn't one "right size".


I cannot think of a more deserving woman for this award as she has inspired so many with her unique, raw and unapologetic approach to body confidence. "

Nilly, HR Professional

Thanks again for this amazing opportunity to take your course and learn some really amazing new stuff. You are so inspiring and I feel so f-ing lucky that I know you. Anyway, I feel pretty badass these days and I have you to thank for it. BTW - your last video with the sparklers made me so happy. 


I really believe in the power of discovering/setting goals, and taking Victoria's awesome workshop was a valuable gift to myself to have that focused, guided time to get clear on what I want my life to look like -- and create an action plan to get there. Victoria is such an inspiring leader, and offered so many different and multi-sensory tools to help us uncover our desires and get excited about manifesting them! I highly recommend working with her. 

Rachel, Recruitment Professional

Working with Victoria is like hanging out with an awesome friend who gives you perfect advice about life, your career, and the best British boybands of the 90s. I attended one of her goal-setting courses earlier this year, and came away feeling inspired by her insights, advice, and no-nonsense approach to goal-setting (it also involved glitter AND spreadsheets, which is going to be the name of the album that we release together). After the course, Victoria followed up with me to ensure that I was staying on track, and gave me feedback on how to advance my goals further. I would highly, highly recommend her.



I had my free call with Victoria two weeks ago. Since then, I’ve worn a bikini to the beach for the first time, asked my boss for my promised bonus, and realized that I actually already know what I want to do with my life. Victoria’s patient listening, spot on recommendations, and gentle hints helped me to realize that it’s time to live bigger, to take up more space, and to be unapologetically awesome. I highly recommend that you give her a call.

Cat, Print Artist

I believe that the main reasons for my not achieving my goals in life, not reaching a potential that deep down I know I have, not following through with plans, and giving up on myself too quickly, are rooted in various psychological blocks and negative beliefs. Combine this with a lack of direction, planning skills and perhaps approaching goals in the wrong way and with the wrong frame of mind, and it's not a recipe for success!


I soon realized I was fighting the same battle over and over again.


I knew I needed some methods to investigate and tackle my routine mental habits and beliefs. I also needed to know how to apply this specifically to approaching and completing life goals. I had come across courses that tackled one or the other: business approaches to how to plan, organize and complete tasks, or mindfulness techniques and various psychology guides. This is what initially attracted me to BamPowLife. It was the first 'course' I found that combined both, and with a real focus on what's going on in that big brain of yours that might be getting in your way.


The course is specifically tailored to help you practically, mentally and emotionally to complete a big life goal.


I loved the fun, light hearted and down to earth approach, but with an empowering and serious message. The communication is very personal with an emphasis on delivering the material via video tutorials as well as supplying plenty of worksheets and material to help you.


I was worried I would let myself down 'yet again' or that I would somehow fail and let Victoria down! However there is a great structure to the course that helps you plan your time, and help is at hand if needed, which is why the 'one to one' personal contact part way through is so crucial.


Victoria helped me with some practical advice and suggestions when I fell behind and lost track at one point, especially when a holiday half way through meant my initial plans fell apart.

The course covers many different aspects and I am continuing to use the methods learnt and worksheets provided in my daily life and with future goals, so you can keep applying this beyond the initial course completion.


Like anything else in life it takes a commitment from you, but I would thoroughly recommend Bam Pow Life to anyone whose self belief needs a (friendly) kick up the backside! If, like me, you're sick of being haunted by the ghosts of dreams you've given up on, you could do with Victoria in your life.


Mike, Branch Manager

What a great and empowering evening with Victoria Welsby at this cool 2 hour workshop last night! Very inspiring to hear about other people's challenges in this fast pace world! Always good to know there are people like Victoria around to bring us back to proper focus on the professional and personal goals that matter the most to us. Thanks again Victoria and all those I met for sharing their experiences! Guessing it validates that we are all normal for the most part! ;) 


Wendy, VP Marketing and Education

Victoria, I wanted to say that I found your session to be inspirational, necessary and fun. Your enthusiasm is contagious (in a wonderful way) and your goal-discovery techniques were simple yet effective. In making a career, it's easy to wander off the 'passion pathway,' so this was a great opportunity to devote some 'me time' to rediscover my drivers and end goals. I'm looking forward to meeting my 20-years-older self! You rock!

Vanessa Bannon, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

We recently found Victoria’s program through an online Google search. We completed Victoria’s goal setting workshop as part of our training for our nine Community Relations Team. Victoria presented on why goals are important and how we can harness and use goals to realize our future and become successful and satisfied people.

Not only was the goal planning workshop helpful for personal planning and goal setting, but it helped the team understand more about who they are as individuals and to solidify bonds. Now, a month later, our goal plans are finalized and we continue to talk about and help support each other in achieving them. It isn’t always easy, but using Victoria’s techniques have helped keep us stay on track to achieve our dreams.

The team really valued the guided meditation exercise which helped them visualize their future as the fully realized people they wish to be. It helped bring their goals into focus, and determine what they feel is actually of key importance to their own happiness. They also appreciated the exercises that helped them move outside of their comfort zone, and their own predetermined boxes of what goals were acceptable and what were not. Victoria had them write out goals free form for one minute and then had them move beyond their preconceived goal ideas to fun, exciting and scary goals that they thought they would not have been able to achieve.

I would highly recommend Victoria’s workshop. She is dynamic, engaging, and guides you to identify goals that will help you succeed. In a group setting, this is a great team bonding experience as well.


Victoria has contributed to the career development of our MBA students for 2 years in a row now. As a volunteer to our Negotiation Mania workshop, Victoria shares her highly developed recruiter skill set and market knowledge by practicing salary negotiations with our 2nd year MBA students. I can recommend Victoria as a person with great skills and deep proficiency of all career related affairs. She is a strong, multi-skilled and customer-service oriented recruiter. On top of that, she is lovely and an inspiring person to be around. 

Shelley, Program Facilitator, Personal Trainer

I was introduced to Victoria while I was working at Coast Mental Health. We asked Victoria to be a guest speaker for our Job Options class at Coast and she graciously accepted. She provided the class with valuable career advice as well as resume and interview do’s and don’ts. She also shared her personal story with our participants. It was truly inspirational. 

Victoria brings a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, professionalism, humour and heart to everything she does. We were thrilled to have her come to visit our office twice. 

Most recently, Victoria volunteered as a Guest Speaker/ Mock Interviewer for our Youth Skills at Work program with the YMCA. She openly shared interview strategies and advice with our youth who had an outstanding experience and learned so much valuable information. Most HR professionals are not as willing to share their time, expertise and advice with the community. 

I would strongly recommend Victoria as she is an outstanding person as well as an excellent HR Professional. 

Sam, Placement Consultant

Victoria will bring two things to an organisation: revenue and talent. She’s also one of the most patient and understanding mentors I’ve ever worked with. Invest in her and your company will grow. 

Tyler, Recruitment Manager

I have worked with Victoria for a few years now and I have to say she is one of the best individuals that I have ever worked with. Victoria has incredible relationship building skills and creativity that builds long lasting relationships. 


Catalina, CHRP, HR Manager

I have had the pleasure of knowing Victoria for 3 years now, both as a client and a candidate. She is not only a pleasure to be around, her humor and relaxed manner regularly shining through, but has a deep and abiding goodwill. She has shared her time and assistance to me on several occasions out of an honest sense kindness. As a client, I have found great value in her insights into the businesses and industries she works with. I cannot recommend her enough.

Damir, Marketing Strategist

Victoria demonstrated an outstanding level of expertise in various aspects of job search, recruitment and career management. She has provided me with great insights that helped me to become significantly more efficient and effective in my career search.

Katia, M.A. Candidate

Victoria presented workshops for us on resumes, job applications, and networking. Victoria's expertise and personable attitude make her fantastic to work with, and she was able to make each workshop fun, thoughtful, and informative. I would love to work with Victoria again in the future! 


Ella, Project Manager

Victoria is a wonderful person! We were connected through the ISS BC program. She volunteered her time to provide me with industry insights and career advice, and I learnt a great deal from her. Victoria is very knowledgeable about the Vancouver job market and recruitment process and what it means to be an exceptional candidate. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone; she is one in a million! 


April, Accounting Professional

Victoria Welsby's warmth, welcoming presence and witty sense of humour are invaluable during the employment search process. Her honest, supportive and sincere approach connects the right people. For example, after a regular follow-up call, we spent an additional 20 minutes brainstorming possible leads with other agencies. In that moment, I saw her willingness to be of service and find the best fit for me. 

Volodya, CFO

Victoria thinks out-of-the-box and shares her ideas on how to use readily available resources to research and find opportunities. She is personable and helpful professional who works very hard to help her clients. 


Glen, Recruitment Manager

I was fortunate enough to work with Victoria for 18 months at Reed. I can safely say she was one of, if not the best recruitment professionals I have worked with during my 8 years in recruitment. She is dedicated to ensuring that both the client and candidate experience a service that is second to none. She has a personality that endears people to her - she is a rarity amongst recruitment consultants with her honesty and integrity in particular ensuring clients and candidates alike always return to Victoria for assistance with their recruitment needs. 


Jason, Director of Operations

I have worked with Victoria as a candidate and as a client and on both sides of the spectrum she is a pleasure to work with. Victoria’s communication skills are what make her a leading Recruiter in her marketplace and her in-depth industry insight is why she is a fantastic source for the top finance professionals on the market. Victoria takes the time to understand her candidates intimately and knows her clients just as well. It has been a joy to use Victoria as a resource and I welcome the opportunity to reach out to her again if the occasion ever arises. 



John, Health and Safety Professional

Victoria is an energetic leader who really helped focus my attention on what’s important and introduced me to new techniques to enormously help with achieving my goals. I would recommend her workshops to anyone!